Fabrics 101: Embroidering on Broadcloth |
When it comes to solid-color, inexpensive fabrics, broadcloth is the king. It's similar to quilter's cotton in weight and in texture -- although you may find that broadcloth is a little rougher to the touch.
Broadcloth is a light weight fabric, and that means it's often made into easy-breezy skirts and shirts to wear during hot summery months. And, its durability makes it nice for quilt tops and blocks too. All that, plus broadcloth's low price, makes it an appealing fabric.
But because broadcloth is so light, it's a sensitive fabric when it comes to embroidering designs onto it. When we embroider on it, we're adding weight and tension with the stitches. Broadcloth is a bit on the "wimpy" side, so if we add too much weight and tension, or don't provide the right support with stabilizer, then broadcloth will likely pucker. However, if you keep just a few things in mind -- choosing the right designs and stabilizer -- then your broadcloth projects will be trouble-free. Read on for more details!
Steps To Complete
Getting to know broadcloth Broadcloth has an interesting history and manufacturing process. During medieval times, it was usually made from wool into a dense multi-purpose cloth. Over time, other fibers have been incorporated into broadcloth's production, including silk and polyester. Currently broadcloth is most commonly a blend of polyester and cotton. |
Choosing the right designs: |
Choosing your needle: Most embroiderers will use an embroidery needle on just about every project, and doing so will usually get fine results. And, it makes sense: it's an embroidery machine, therefore it needs an embroidery needle. Choosing the right stabilizer: For light and airy designs, like Redwork, Bluework, or toile, use a lightweight cutaway like Sulky Soft 'N Sheer or Floriani's No Show Mesh. For the simplest of Redwork or Bluework designs, you may also use a tear-away stabilizer; however, if you see any looping of thread or stitches landing where they're not intended to, use a cutaway stabilizer. |
Embroidering on Broadcloth First, I'll demonstrate what happens when stitching a complex design onto broadcloth. |
You can see that the broadcloth is puckering around the edges of the design. The design has layering and highlighting, and is a solid square of stitching. The weight and tension of the stitches are skewing the fabric fibers, resulting in puckering. The Tea of Tranquility design is a much better choice for stitching onto canvas, duck cloth, denim, and medium to heavy weight decorator fabrics. This type of design isn't going to work on lightweight fabrics like broadcloth. |
This design is the Art Nouveau Heart Trio, and it turned out beautifully on the broadcloth. I hooped it with a medium-weight (2.5 ounce) cutaway stabilizer. And, because I believe strongly in the power and magic of spray adhesive, I added a quick shot to the stabilizer, then smoothed the fabric on top, before I hooped both together. Spray adhesive (I use KK100) does a great job keeping the fabric and stabilizer together, nice and tight, to prevent shifting, gapping, and puckering. |
Here's an interesting thing that I noticed: The Tea of Tranquility design has about 53,000 stitches, and didn't work well on broadcloth. The Art Nouveau Heart Trio has 54,000 stitches -- and it does work well on broadcloth. |
With its sleek finish and array of solid colors, broadcloth is beautifully paired with Redwork designs. These one-color designs are primarily composed of running stitches, and in a few special cases satin stitches are added for extra dimension and fun. |