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Candy Corn Treat Cone

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Stitch an adorable candy corn treat cone, and your Halloween will be that much sweeter!

A fabulous cone shape makes this treat holder look like a piece of candy corn. With embroidery on both sides, you can make this a cute trick-or-treat bag just right for your favorite ghoul or boy.

Add a ribbon on top, and it's ready to be carried from house-to-house in search of treats.

Read on for instructions to create your own sweet candy corn treat cone!


  • 1/3 yard felt (for outer shell -- I chose yellow felt)
  • 1/3 yard felt (for stripe and inner lining -- I chose orange felt)
  • Small pieces of felt (for bottom tip -- I chose white felt)
  • Medium weight cutaway stabilizer
  • Temporary spray adhesive
  • Air-erase pen
  • 18" wide by 14" high piece of heavy weight fusible interfacing
  • 1 yard of 1/2" wide ribbon (for handle)
  • 25" length of 1/2" wide ribbon and fabric glue (optional -- for top trim)
  • Needle and thread for some hand-sewing

Designs Used

To begin, download and open a PDF of the cone pattern linked above. Print the pattern pieces. There are a total of two pieces of the pattern that will print on three separate pieces of 8 1/2" by 11" paper.

Cut out the patterns and tape sections 1 and 2 together as instructed on the pieces.

Lay the pattern piece (sections 1 and 2) onto the fabric, pin in place, trace the shape, remove the pattern piece, and cut out the shape. Repeat this for a total of two pieces. These pieces will be the background fabric for each side of the cone.

To prepare the embroidered center stripe fabric, lay the section 3 pattern on the fabric and using an air-erase pen or other marking tool, trace the shape.

Remove the pattern and print a paper template of the design by printing it at full size. Trim around the design and position the template inside the shape. Leave at least 1/4" of space between the outer edges of the design and the edges of the shape. Poke a hole in the center of the template and mark the fabric. Also, mark the horizontal and vertical axis points.

Remove the template and draw lines connecting the marks.

Spray a piece of medium weight cutaway stabilizer with temporary adhesive and smooth the fabric on top. Hoop the fabric and stabilizer together by aligning the marks on the hoop with the lines on the fabric. Attach the hoop to the machine, load the design, move the hoop so that the needle is directly over the center point on the fabric, and embroider the design.

When the design has finished, cut out the shape. I left the stabilizer on the backside of the embroidery to help give the fabric more support. Repeat this process for a total of two embroidered pieces.

Next, place the embroidered pieces on top of the background pieces with the side edges aligned. Cut a small piece of felt large enough to cover the bottom tip. Lay this piece of felt over the bottom tip with the top edge tucked under the bottom edge of the embroidered piece. Pin all in place. 

Flip the fabric over and trim the small felt piece by cutting along the edges of the bottom tip. Sew a 1/8" seam along the top, bottom, and side edges of the embroidered piece. Also, sew a 1/8" seam along the side edges of the bottom tip. Now the outer shell is complete!

Align the assembled side pieces together, right sides together, pin in place along the right edge only and sew a 1/2" seam along the pinned edge only. Trim the seam allowance leaving about 1/8" of excess.

Cut a piece of heavy weight fusible interfacing and inner lining fabric to 18" wide by 14" high. Align the pieces together (with the right side of the fabric facing up). Press the fabric to the interfacing by following the directions on the interfacing packaging. 

Lay the outer shell flat on top of the fabric/interfacing piece with the fabric and the outer shell facing right side up. Pin in place, trace the shape, remove the outer shell, and cut out the shape.

Align the raw edges together forming cone shapes, right sides together, on both the outer shell and inner lining. Pin in place and sew a 1/2" seam along the pinned edges only.  Trim the seam allowances leaving 1/8" excess.

Turn the outer shell right side out and insert the inner lining inside (aligning the seam of the inner lining with one of the seams of the outer shell), wrong sides together. Pin in place and trim the excess of the inner lining around the entire top edge of the outer shell.

Cut two 18" lengths of 1/2" wide ribbon. Tuck one end of each piece in between the layers of fabric at each seam and pin in place. Sew a 1/8" seam along the entire top edge of the cone. 

If you wish, you can finish off the top edge by wrapping ribbon around it. To do this, add fabric glue along the outer and inner edges of the top edge of the cone. Then, wrap ribbon around the top edge and press in place (1/2 of width of the ribbon along each side). 

Using needle and thread, tack the ribbon in place by hand-sewing along the bottom edges of the ribbon. To create the handle, tie the ends of the ribbon in a knot and then into a bow and you are done!

Your little monsters will love this candy corn treat cone! Bright and festive for Halloween, this treat cone is something your favorite trick-or-treaters won't be able to resist. Make one for your whole skeleton crew!