Make your own custom game boards and playing pieces.
You'll love to make your own checkers, chess pieces and game boards. Even make up your own original game. You make the rules! It'll be fun for the whole family to share your original creation with friends and family.
Designs Used
The game board is in four pieces, each piece less than 6 x 6 inches. The finished size is approximately 12 x 12 inches.
The pieces are coded as follows:
UL = Upper Left
UR = Upper Right
BL = Bottom Left
BR = Bottom Right
You can begin sewing with any piece. Each piece will begin at the corner opposite the satin border. Sew the first piece, then rehoop the fabric.
Forward to the first stitch, and move the needle to the corner opposite the sewn piece's satin border. Then sew the second piece. Repeat until all pieces are sewn.
The game pieces can be sewn on any fabric and used. Or, you can affix them to cardboard, or to plastic checkers, whichever you prefer. Enjoy!