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Coupon Caddy

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Coupons: neatly organized for the checkout counter 

You'll have coupons and discount cards ready at your fingertips when you use this little coupon caddy on your next shopping trip. The two-pocket design is just right for keeping store coupons for this week and next week -- all in their own pockets.


Supplies needed:

  • 3 fat quarters - one each for the pockets, outer fabric, and lining

  • 1 package of piping

  • 9 inch by 9 inch piece of craft batting

Embroidery Design from Embroidery Library:

Designs Used


On the outer fabric, mark out a rectangle that is 9 inches wide by 5 inches high. In that marked area, center and sew out the embroidery.

From the outer fabric, cut out the marked rectangle, and cut out one more rectangle the same size.

From the lining fabric, cut out one square that is 9 inches by 9 inches.

From the pocket fabric, cut out 2 rectangles that are 9 inches by 8 inches.

On the embroidered rectangle, fold over 1/2 inch at the top of the rectangle and press to crease the fabric.

Fold both pocket pieces in half so that the folded rectangles will be 9 inches wide by 4 inches high. Press to crease.

Lay out the batting piece with the lining piece on top of it, right side up. 

Place the pocket pieces on top of the lining with the folded edges to the center of the piece and the cut edges meeting the outer edges of the lining.

Stitch around the outer edges to keep all the layers in place.

Use a zipper foot to stitch the piping around the outer edges of the assembled lining piece.  The seam line should be 1/2 inch from the edge.

Lay the embroidered rectangle on top of the assembled lining piece with the folded edge to the center. Lay the other   outer fabric rectangle so that it overlaps the folded edge of the embroidered rectangle.

Use a zipper foot to stitch around the entire edge of the piece, close to the piping.

Turn the piece right side out through the overlapped outer fabric pieces. Close the opening by stitching through all the layers, close to the folded edge of the embroidered rectangle.

Open the caddy, and fill it up with bargains!  The pockets are just the right size for coupons, punch cards, discount cards, and more!

Once the coupons and discounts are tucked safely inside, fold it to keep everything secure, and pop it in your pocket or purse, ready for the next time you stop by the store.