Framed Embroidery Key CaddyFrame a favorite design, then add hooks to make a beautiful key caddy! SuppliesSupplies Needed: **Medium weight cutaway stabilizer **Temporary spray adhesive (we use KK100) **Metal cup hooks (with screw ends) **Small hammer and pliers Design used: Products Used
Steps To Complete
First, remove the backing and glass from the frame. |
If you have embroidery software, print a template to use for placement. If you don't have embroidery software, you can cut a piece of paper the shape and dimensions of the design to help with placement and centering. |
We're embroidering on dark fabric, so the air-erase pen that we normally use for marking isn't going to work very well. Masking tape is a handy (an inexpensive) way to mark placement on dark fabric. Remove the template and draw lines (on the masking tape) connecting the axis points. These lines will be used for hooping. |
Spray a piece of cutaway stabilizer with a bit of temporary adhesive. Smooth the fabric on top and hoop the fabric and stabilizer together, aligning the marks on the hoop with the lines on the tape. |
When the design has finished, unhoop the fabric and trim away the excess stabilizer on the back of the embroidery. |
Flip the fabric over so the right side is facing up and mark a one inch allowance around the entire outer edge of the shape. |
Next, trim all four corners of the fabric by making a diagonal cut about 1/4 inch from the corners of the original shape. This is so the folded parts won't be so bulky. |
The fabric will need a sturdy base. We'll create this base by using heavyweight interfacing. You may also use a piece of thin cardboard (a cereal box works well) or tag board instead of interfacing. |
Flip the fabric over to the wrong side and align the interfacing or board on top. |
Sew a 1/8 inch seam along the outer pinned edge. |
Then, place the glass panel back into the frame. Next, insert the assembled embroidered piece. |
Now, add the backing of the frame and secure it in place. |
Finally, we will add the hooks. Place some folded fabric underneath the frame to add some cushion. |
Turn the hooks by hand or use a pliers to twist them into place. |
Hang the frame on the wall in a handy spot. Now you have a beautiful key caddy -- and an embroidered showpiece! |