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Santa's Embroidered Snack Station

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Delight Jolly Ol' St. Nick on Christmas Eve by leaving his treats on a personalized placemat.

Children will love preparing Santa's snack and leaving him this treat. Tuck a note and treat into an embellished pocket, and rest a cup of milk on an appliqued coaster!


Supplies needed:

** 22 x 16 inch top fabric

** 22 x 16 inch bottom fabric

** Two 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch pieces of fabric for pockets

** Cut-away stabilizer

** Spray adhesive

** Air-erase pen

** Paper

** 9 inch plate


Designs Used:

** Simple Treasures Santa
** Simple Treasures Teddy Bear
** Simple Treasures Candy Cane
** Simple Treasures Holly
** Applique Circle
** Curlz Alphabet 3/4 inch

Designs Used

First, determine the plate size you'd like to use. We used a 9 inch plate with with a 22 x 16 inch placemat. We chose a sturdy duck cloth for our top fabric.

If you are using a different size plate, you may want to enlarge or reduce the placemat size, accordingly. For example, if you are using a 11 inch plate, add 2 inches to each dimension -- making a 24 x 18 inch placemat. 

Next, make a pattern for the pockets. On paper, draw a 4 1/2 inch line for the top. Draw two 4 inch lines extending down on each side from the top line.

Find the center of the top line by measuring and dividing by two. Measure and mark 5 inches down from the center.

Connect the end of each side line to the bottom mark in the center, creating a "V" shape for the bottom of the pocket.

Measure 3/8 inch around the outside of the entire shape and draw lines connecting the marks. This is the seam allowance for the pocket.

Find the center of the entire pocket pattern by drawing a line from the top center mark to the center of the "V" shape bottom.

Measure between the side lines and divide by two. Draw a line between these marks as well. Where the two lines meet is the center of the pocket.

Cut out the pattern.

Lay the pocket fabric right side up. Place the pocket pattern on top. Trace the shape and mark the horizontal and vertical axis lines of the pattern on to the fabric.

Remove the pattern and draw lines connecting the axis marks. These lines will be used for design placement and hooping.

Use embroidery software to print a paper template of the design at full size. Trim around the template to make it fit easily within the pocket.

Poke a hole in the center of the template and align it with the center point on the fabric. Align the vertical axis line on the template with the vertical line on the fabric.

We are "eyeballing" the design a little bit above the exact center of the pocket to better fill the space.

Mark the center point of the design onto the fabric.

Remove the template. Spray a piece of cut-away stabilizer with adhesive and hoop it with the fabric.

Hoop the fabric by aligning the marks on the hoop with the lines on the fabric. You may need to extend the lines on the fabric to meet the edge of your hoop.

Add the hoop to the machine, load the design, align the needle directly over the center point on the fabric and embroider the design. 

Repeat the marking, hooping and embroidering steps to create two pockets.

We added text to one of our pocket designs. To see how to merge letters to form words, click here.

After both pockets are embroidered, cut out the shapes. We left the stabilizer on the back of the fabric to make it more rigid. You may trim away the excess if you like.

Now design the layout of the placemat. Lay top fabric right side up. Place the embroidered pockets, the plate and paper templates of more designs on the top fabric.

Arrange all the pieces where you want them. Allow about an inch margin all the way around the edge of the fabric.

Poke a hole in the center of the templates and mark it on the fabric. Mark the horizontal and vertical axis lines as well.

The coaster is an applique design and we added text. Merge the designs together like you did the pocket design. You can sew the circle applique design without text if you wish. Click here for instructions for applique embroidery.

Remove the template and draw lines connecting the marks

Spray a piece of cutaway stabilizer with adhesive and hoop it with the fabric by aligning the marks on the hoop with the lines on the fabric.

Add the hoop to the machine, load the design, align the needle directly over the center point on the fabric and embroider the design. Trim the excess stabilizer when it is finished.

Repeat these steps for all of the designs you choose to embroider on the placemat.

To assemble the pockets, fold the top over 3/8 inch and sew a 1/4 inch hem. Only hem the top of the pockets at this point.

Lay the top fabric right side up. Position the pockets on top and pin them in place. Fold the side and bottom edges over 3/8 inch and sew a 1/4 inch hem around the side and bottom edges only.

Cut the bottom fabric to be the same size as the top fabric. 

Lay the bottom and the top fabric right sides together and pin in place.

Sew a 3/8 inch seam along the top, bottom and one side of the placemat. Leave the other side open for turning.

Turn the placemat right side out. Press the seams. Fold the open end in 3/8 inch and press in place.

Top stitch 1/4 inch around the entire outer edge of the placemat.

Don't forget the milk and cookies!