Sweet Dreams MobileGive any nursery a bright and cheery update with an adorable baby mobile! Too-cute sleep and sea life motifs hang from these precious mobiles. SuppliesProject Needs & Notes: Products Used
Steps To Complete
In-the-hoop stuffie designs have a full embroidery file and dielines. Dieline files are marked with the letters "DL." There are either three or four dieline files with each stuffie design. |
Spray the back of a printed dieline with a small amount of spray adhesive, and smooth it onto the felt. |
Cut out the shape and remove the paper. |
Repeat this process for all of the dieline files. |
Now that the fabric pieces are cut to the proper shape and size, it's time to embroider the design. |
Attach the hoop to the machine and load the full embroidery design (not the dieline files). |
Remove the hoop from the machine, but do not unhoop the stabilizer. |
Attach the hoop back onto the machine and continue with the design. |
All of the inside elements will sew next. |
Special Steps For Additional Pieces: If working with stuffies with additional felt pieces, turn the hoop over. Spray the felt fabric pieces with temporary adhesive and place on the backside of the embroidery. |
Finishing Steps for All Crafty Cut Stuffie Designs: Spray the wrong side of the back fabric piece with a couple of quick shots of spray adhesive along the outer edges. Place the back piece right over the front piece. |
The remaining steps will be seen from both sides. Wind a bobbin with the same thread used in the top. |
Attach the hoop back onto the machine and continue with the design. A running stitch tack down will sew -- this binds all the layers together. |
Remove the hoop from the machine, unhoop the stabilizer, and carefully tear it away (the dieline will be removed with the stabilizer). |
Fill the stuffie, using polyester fiberfill, through the opening at the bottom until it is nice and firm. |
Using needle and thread, sew the opening closed by stitching along the original tack down seam. |
To begin assembling the mobile, lay the hand embroidery hoop flat. |
Cut the ribbon to 15" long starting out from the edge of the hoop. |
Push the bead up to the top of the hanger and then tie a knot (or knots if necessary) at the middle of the ribbon -- the knot will hold the bead in place. |
Add fabric glue to the end of the ribbon and press it in place in between the layers of felt at the top center of the stuffie. |
Continue to add hangers and stuffies around the hoop. |
You can also add cute bubbles to the mobile for an under the sea version! |
To add the top hangers, cut two 24" lengths of ribbon. Tie both ends of one ribbon to opposite sides of the hoop (spaced evenly in between the bottom hangers). |
Tie the ends of the second piece to opposite ends of the hoop, spacing the ribbon evenly in between the bottom hangers. |
Add a stuffie at the top of the top hangers (where they intersect). |
Now, add another ribbon hanger to the top of the stuffie to hang the mobile. (You can also add bubbles to the top hanger!) |