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The website has an excellent feature to prevent you from ordering the same design or pack twice.

If you add a design or pack to your basket that you've already purchased, you'll get a warning message letting you know when you purchased the deisgn, with a link to the order you previously placed. Then, instead of buying the design again, you can simply go to the order in your order history and download it.

Here is what the warning message looks like in the shopping basket:

an image of the embroidery library checkout page with the "duplicate design" warning message highlighted


You'll also notice that if you've already purchase a design, a checkmark will appear in the upper-left corner of the product image, and a "download" button will appear on the product page below the "Add to Cart" button:

an image of the product detail page on Embroidery Library with the "download" button highlighted

Different sizes of designs aren't duplicates. If you order one size of a design, and then put a different size in your basket, you won't get a warning message.

If you discover that you've ordered duplicate items, we'll issue store credit to you within a year of the duplicate purchase. Send these details to [email protected]:

- The order number(s) of the duplicate items
- The names of the designs/packs that are duplicated

After we've checked your order(s) and verified the duplicate items, we'll remove them from your order history and send you the store credit.

Please note that a design may be included in more than one pack. If you order packs and then discover that designs are duplicated between the packs, no refunds or gift certificates can be given. Make sure you review the contents of your basket, and the designs that are included in any packs, before finalizing your order.

If you have questions about the above, let us know! Send an email to [email protected].