Stitch light and lovely kitchen scenes on floursack towels, grocery bags, and other tasty projects. Fast and fabulous on low-nap fabrics, such as twill, denim, or quilter's cotton.
Designs Included In this Pack
Kitchen Floral Basket (Vintage) Size: 6.95" x 6.20" Stitch Count: 10329
Kitchen Teapot Bouquet (Vintage) Size: 7.90" x 6.82" Stitch Count: 12470
Kitchen Fruit Bowl (Vintage) Size: 9.12" x 6.85" Stitch Count: 13521
Kitchen Candy Dish (Vintage) Size: 7.80" x 6.81" Stitch Count: 12256
Kitchen Coffee Service (Vintage) Size: 8.35" x 6.90" Stitch Count: 13173
Kitchen Lemonade Tray (Vintage) Size: 9.40" x 6.51" Stitch Count: 14191