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Wild Sketches Quilt

Created By Maxine

Maxine adores the sketch-style designs, and she made a magnificent quilt with them!

She has a Husqvarna Viking Designer SE and writes, "Hi everyone at Emblibrary and especially whoever digitized these great animals. I hope I did it justice in this quilt, they are beautiful and I am going to make another one as soon as you come out with some more animals, especially elk and caribou. The eyes on these animals are amazing. Thanks again!"

Maxine, it's always a joy to see your work, and how you use the designs. That inspires us to keep on creating - so we're grateful that you sent in the photo!

She embroidered the designs onto light fabric. Sketch designs are light and sheer, so they're perfect on smooth, neutral fabric (steer clear of busy prints). She used a variety of earth-tone prints in the borders, coordinating perfectly with the thread colors used.

This turned out great, Maxine. Thank you for sending the photo!

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