Treat yourself to a homemade pie trivet stitched entirely in-the-hoop! Applique details make this design extra delicious. We'll show you step-by-step how to put your pie trivet together!
Project Needs & Notes:
- Small pieces of quilter's cotton (two colors, one for crust and one for filling)
- Insul-bright insulated lining
- Tear away stabilizer
- Temporary spray adhesive (such as Gunold KK100)
- Ribbon for hanger, if applicable
Design featured in this tutorial is:
- X14188, The Perfect Pie Trivet (In-the-Hoop)
Designs Used

When you download the in-the-hoop applique trivet design, you'll find multiple files. One is an embroidery file, and the others are dieline files, marked with the letters DL. Dielines are used to cut the fabric to the right shape and size.
Open each dieline file with an embroidery software, and print it. If you do not have embroidery software, Wilcom TrueSizer is a free program to use.
Print three copies of the front dieline file. This will allow you to have all the paper dielines separate from one another, and make them easy to use.

Spray the back side of the printed dieline for the pie crust front with a small amount of temporary adhesive. Smooth it onto a piece of fabric. Then cut a piece of Insul-bright larger than the dieline, spray it with adhesive, and smooth it onto the back of the fabric.

Cut out the shape.

The other dieline pieces do not use Insul-bright. Cut out the back piece dieline from the pie crust fabric -- this is the same scalloped shape as the front piece cut above. Cut out the six "lattice" pieces from the front dieline file, also using the pie crust fabric. The pie filling circle should be cut from a different fabric for contrast.

Now that the fabric pieces are cut to the proper shape and size, it's time to embroider the design. Hoop a piece of tear-away stabilizer.
Madeira E-Zee Tear 1.5 oz. or Floriani Tearaway Medium are good choices. Those brands are more fibrous, less paper-like, and will tear more cleanly.

Attach the hoop to the machine and load the full embroidery design (not the dieline files). Use a size 11 or 75/11 sharp sewing needle, rather than an embroidery needle. A sharp sewing needle has a smaller, finer point than an embroidery needle, so that will make smaller perforations in the stabilizer.
Embroider the design. The first thing to embroider will be a dieline, or outline stitch. This marks the area on the stabilizer where we'll place the front fabric piece.

Remove the hoop from the machine, but do not unhoop the stabilizer. Spray the back side of the front fabric piece with a small amount of temporary adhesive. Place the fabric right inside the sewn outline.

Attach the hoop back onto the machine, and continue with the design.
A tackdown will sew next. This holds the front fabric in place for the remainder of the design, followed by the dieline for the pie filling. Watch the color change sheet and stop the machine before sewing the next tackdown step.

After the pie filling dieline is finished sewing, stop the machine, and remove the hoop, but do not unhoop the stabilizer. Take the fabric dieline for the pie filling, and spray the back side of the fabric with temporary adhesive. Place the fabric piece right in the sewn dieline.

Then continue to embroider the design. A tackdown will stitch the fabric piece into place, and then more details will sew.

Follow the color change sheet, and repeat the steps above to sew the lattice pieces into place.

On the color change sheet, look for the note that says "back piece tack down," and stop the machine before sewing this step. Take the hoop off the machine, but do not unhoop the stabilizer.
Flip the hoop over, spray the back side of the back fabric piece with temporary adhesive, and place it inside of the sewn square on the back of the hoop.

Since both sides of the pie will be seen, wind a bobbin with the same thread used in the needle.

Once the embroidery is finished, remove the hoop from the machine. Unhoop the stabilizer, and carefully tear it away. Your trivet is done and ready to enjoy!