Dress up classic terracotta flowerpots with embroidered fabric cozies. Garden-theme embroidery designs add personality and style to your flowerpots -- whip one up for Mother's Day, as a birthday present, or for your own garden
- Flowerpot
- 1/4 yard sturdy cotton fabric like denim, twill, or lightweight canvas
- Medium-weight (2.5 ounce) cutaway stabilizer
- Air-erase pen for marking
- Sew-on Velcro
- Tape
Designs used in this tutorial include F2777, Spring into Color and Bloom and H2048, If Friends Were Flowers - Curved.
Sizing Notes:
Each of the embroidered cozies have been sized to fit specific flowerpots.
Large: 6" diameter opening, 3 1/2" bottom, 5 1/4" height
Small: 4 1/2" diameter opening, 2 1/2" bottom, 3 7/8" height
Designs Used

To get started, download and print a .PDF of the patterns linked above. Each pattern has two pieces and will print on two pieces of paper.

Cut out the pattern pieces and tape them together.

Cut a piece of sturdy cotton fabric a bit larger than the pattern piece.
Lay the pattern piece on top of the fabric, pin in place, and trace the shape using an air-erase pen.

A template, or printout of a design, is an excellent tool to help with placement.
Print a template of the design from your embroidery software.
Center the template on the fabric. Mark the center point and the vertical and horizontal axis lines.

Remove the template.
Hoop the fabric and stabilizer together, aligning the marks on the hoop with the marks on the fabric.

Attach the hoop to the machine and load the design.
Move the hoop so that the needle is directly over the center point on the fabric.
Embroider the design.

When the design has finished, trim away the excess stabilizer on the backside of the embroidery.

To prepare the back of the cozy, lay the embroidered front piece on top of a second piece of fabric, right sides together.
Pin in place, and cut around the shape of the front piece.
Sew a 1/4" seam along the top, bottom, and one end -- leave the other end open for turning.

Turn the cozy right side out; press.
Turn the fabric of the opening in 1/2"; press.
Top-stitch a 1/8" seam around the entire outer edge of the cozy.

Cut strips of sew-on Velcro (of both the hook and loop sides) a bit shorter than each end of the cozy.
Pin one piece to the left end of the embroidered side of the cozy. Pin the remaining piece to the right end of the back side of the cozy.
Sew a seam around the edges of each piece of Velcro.

Wrap the cozy tightly around the pot and press in place using the Velcro.

Use the same process as above when positioning the template, embroidering the design, and constructing the cozy.

Make several of these fabric flowerpot cozies for a garden full of beautiful embroidery.
Use to decorate your home, or give to a friend to enjoy!

This project is featured on the Embroidery Library Pinterest page.
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