Give your luggage standout appeal with a fashionable and functional luggage tag! The bright embroidery will make it easy to spot on any crowded carousel, and a slip-in ID tag will provide any necessary contact information.
- 1/8 yard of lightweight canvas, denim, craft felt, Ultrasuede, or twill
- Tear-away stabilizer
- Medium-weight (2.5 ounce) cutaway stabilizer
- Temporary spray adhesive (Gunold KK100)
- Clear tablecloth vinyl
- 3/16" eyelet
- Leather lace, clip, or shower curtain ring attaching
- Craft knife and cutting pad
Designs Used

When you download an in-the-hoop luggage tag design, you will find multiple files. Some are the embroidery files, and the others are dieline files marked with the letters "DL". Dielines are used to cut the fabric to the correct shape and size. Open and print each dieline file using an embroidery software. If you do not have an embroidery software, take a look at our helpful video on using dielines.

Spray a piece of cutaway stabilizer with temporary adhesive.

Smooth a piece of fabric (this example uses lightweight canvas) on top of the stabilizer.

Place the dieline for the front of the luggage tag on top.
Cut out the shape.

Repeat the steps, using the back dieline, to cut fabric and stabilizer for the back of the luggage tag.

If you wish to add a clear layer for a luggage tag, place the dieline for the back of the luggage tag on top of a piece of clear vinyl.
Cut out the shape.

Now that the fabric pieces are cut to the proper shape and size, it's time to embroider the design.
Hoop a piece of tear-away stabilizer.
Use a size 11 sharp sewing needle in the machine rather than an embroidery needle.
A sharp sewing needle is the best choice when embroidering in-the-hoop designs.

Load the full embroidery file (not a dieline file) to your embroidery machine.
Attach the hoop, and begin embroidering the design.

After the outline has stitched, spray the back of the front fabric and stabilizer piece with temporary adhesive.

Place that right inside the sewn dieline.

Continue embroidering the design. The next thing to stitch is a tack down or zigzag stitch. This binds the fabric piece to the stabilizer.

Other elements of the design will sew.
Keep referencing the color change sheet as you stitch.
When you see the step on the color change sheet that says "side border," stop the machine. Remove the hoop and turn it over.
Do not remove the stabilizer from the hoop

Spray the backside of the back fabric and stabilizer piece with a bit of temporary adhesive.
Place that fabric and stabilizer piece on the back of the embroidery, right inside the dieline.

The next steps will be seen from both sides of the luggage tag. Wind a bobbin with the same thread that's used in the top.

Continue embroidering the design with the "side border."

If you wish to add the vinyl for the ID tag, stop the machine before stitching the "back piece tackdown."
Remove the hoop and turn it over.
Spray the edges of the clear vinyl with a small amount of adhesive, and add it to the back of the embroidery.

Attach the hoop to the machine and continue embroidering the design.
A tack down or zigzag stitch will sew, binding the layers together.

After the design has finished, unhoop the stabilizer and gently tear it away

Cut a small X through the layers on the closed end of the pocket.
Add a 3/16" eyelet to the outer edge of the luggage tag, right next to the satin stitch border.