Wishlist Notifications
Users of the website can choose to get email notifications on their Wishlist designs when they go on sale. This feature helps you know when the designs you care most about go on a sale and never miss out on the best prices.
To Enable Notifications
- Go to your Wishlist and review your list of designs on your wishlist
- To the right, under "Move to Cart" and "Remove", you'll notice a checkbox titled "Price Alert (Email)"
- If you want to get a email when this design goes on sale, click on the checkbox so its checked.
- Repeat this process for all designs that you want notifications for.
All checkboxed designs will send you a notification when they go on sale. You'll only ever be notified about a sale for design once every few weeks, to avoid getting spammed with multiple emails if the same design goes on sale multiple times.
Make Notifications the Default Behavior
If you want to get notifications on all designs that you add to your wishlist, you can do so by enabling "Automatic Add Wishlist Notifications". This will allow any newly added designs to automatically get checkboxed for email notifications.
To enable this feature:
- Go to your profile
- Edit your profile
- Under "Email Preferences", Find "Auto Wishlist Price Notifications".
- Toggle this on or off, depending on your preference.
When this is enabled, any designs that you wishlist from that point forward will automatically get selected to send pricing notifications when they get added.
Tip: You can still go to your wishlist and uncheck designs that may not be as important to you to get a email notification for.