Are you new to machine embroidery? Just curious about how it works?
Embroidery Library has been creating original, top-quality machine embroidery designs for more than 20 years, and we've worked with a LOT of embroiderers in that time. Read on for answers to common questions that machine embroidery beginners tend to have - from machines to materials to designs.

How do embroidery machines work?
A computerized embroidery machine uses a hoop to hold fabric as it automatically moves under the needle to create an image using stitches. A digital design file tells the embroidery machine precisely how to move to stitch out the image.
Most home embroidery machines have just one needle, while commercial embroidery machines generally have multiple needles so that the machine doesn’t need to be re-threaded between every color change.

How do you use an embroidery machine?
The basic steps to using an embroidery machine are:
● Select your materials and embroidery design
● Hoop your fabric together with stabilizer
● Transfer your design to your embroidery machine
● Thread the machine
● Attach the hoop to the machine
● Start the embroidery machine and let it
embroider, changing the thread colors when needed
● Remove excess stabilizer and finish your project

What supplies and tools do you need for machine embroidery?

The main supplies and tools you'll need for machine embroidery are:
● Embroidery machine
● Embroidery designs
● Fabric or item to embroider
● Stabilizer compatible with the fabric and design (learn how to choose stabilizer for machine embroidery), and temporary spray adhesive to attach it to the back of your fabric
● Thread for the top embroidery and the bobbin - check the color change sheet for details

How do you download and transfer designs to your embroidery machine?

The steps to bring a new design to your embroidery machine are:
● Select a design in a size and file format that’s compatible with your embroidery machine
● Add the design to your cart and check out
● Download the design to your computer
● Save the design onto a USB stick (see instructions for PC or Mac)
● Plug the USB stick into your embroidery machine
● Open the design using the machine’s menu … and stitch!
Some may have other ways of transferring designs (such as via wi-fi), but these USB instructions will apply to most home embroidery machines. Check out our Help page for more information on transferring design files to an embroidery machine.
New to embroidery? Download one of our free embroidery designs – it’s a great way to see how the process works!

What fabrics can you do machine embroidery on?

Towels, sweatshirts, quilters cotton, leather – pretty much any fabric can be embroidered (as long as it’s stabilized properly, and you choose appropriate designs).
Check out our Material Guides for in-depth articles on how to embroider on a wide variety of fabrics.

How do you prevent shifting and gapping with machine embroidery?

For more information, check out our article on 4 Tips to Avoid Gapping When Embroidering.

Which embroidery machine is best?
There's no single "best embroidery machine." The best machine for you will depend on a variety of factors.
● What's your budget?
● Do you intend to embroider as a hobby or as a business?
● Do you want the machine to double as a sewing machine?
● Is there a specific brand you're interested in?
● What "bells and whistles" will you find useful?
One tip: we recommend getting a machine with the largest embroidery area you can afford. This will give you more options for stitching your projects.

How much does an embroidery machine cost?
The cost of an embroidery machine can vary greatly:
● Entry-level home embroidery machines with a 4"x4" embroidery area are usually available new for around $500 or less.
● The home embroidery machines with the largest embroidery areas and the most high-tech features can sell for around $20,000.
There are also multi-needle commercial and "prosumer" (professional/consumer" embroidery machines that can sell for even more, depending on the machine's capabilities and the number of items it can embroider at once.

Where can I buy an embroidery machine?

You can buy an embroidery machine from a variety of places including:
● Local sewing machine dealerships
● Online retailers such as Amazon
A dealer can also provide service and support - good to keep in mind especially if you're new to embroidery.

You can also connect with other embroiderers through online groups and forums. Our Official Embroidery Library & Urban Threads Machine Embroidery Community has thousands of members from all over the world, and is a great place to share your project photos, ask questions, and connect.

What's next?

If you're just getting started on your machine embroidery journey, we're so glad you've found Embroidery Library! We make top-quality, creative designs to help you create amazing projects that turn out beautifully, every time. Keep exploring: